IRD Summary Guide

Step 1 - Login to the IRD website

Step 2 - In the ‘income tax’ box, click ‘more

Step 3 - Under ‘my income’ select ‘print income details’ - the details part is important

Step 4 - Ensure the dates are for the last 12 months and click ‘print income details’

Note: By last 12 months we do not mean tax year, unless specifically requested.

Step 5 - Please save this and send to us.

It should be 3-5 pages long. If it is only one page, please check that you have used the 'print income details' and not just 'print income'.

  • In this instance we will need your to repeat this but for 2 years, so you will end us sending us 2 summaries. one for the last 12 months and one for the last 24 months.

    EG: Todays date is 02/10/2027, then you would send us

    1. 12 months summary for the dates 02/10/2026 - 02/10/2027


    2. 24 months summary for the dates 02/10/2025 - 02/10/2027