Early Repayments

  • ANZ

    Regular Repayments

    Can increase by up to $250 per week

    Lump Sum Repayments

    One per year, up to 5% of the loan balance per year on the anniversary of the loan.

  • AIA (ASB in Disguise)

    Regular Repayments

    Increase regular repayments by up to $500FT/$1000M

    Lump Sum Repayments

    Incurs early repayment fees

  • ASB

    Regular Repayments

    Increase regular repayments by up to $500FT/$1000M

    Lump Sum Repayments

    Incurs early repayment fees

  • TSB

    Regular Repayments

    Increase each split by $1,000M

    Lump Sum Repayments

    $10,000 per split per CALENDAR year (1st Jan - 31st Dec

  • SBS

    $45 fee for any changed repayment
    plus a break fee may be charged.

  • Co-operative

    Regular Repayments

    or raise regular repayment amount,
    then, no fee.

    Lump Sums

    Lump sum up to 5% at start of each year, min $1000.

  • BNZ


    Break Fees Apply


    you can pay up to 5% of a Standard loan amount
    at the start of your fixed term each year without early repayment charges,
    otherwise break fees may apply

  • Kiwibank

    Regular Repayments

    Can increase as long as it stays within 5% of the loan amount each year.

    Lump Sums

    Can pay off up to 5% per year with no penalty

    Note: the regular repayment and lump sum 5% are combined, not separate.

  • Westpac

    Regular Repayments

    increase repayment up to 20% above minimum repayments without fees,
    decrease repayment down to the minimum amount at any time,

    Lump Sum

    repayment incurs break fee plus $20 admin fee