Andy Palliser

Mortgage & Kiwisaver Adviser

Andrew Palliser - Adviser Support - Home Loan Factory Wellington
Whether buying your first home, your 10th investment, or refinancing your home, I can help find you the best deal on the market.
— Andy Palliser
  • Your first home is one of the most important purchases you will make.

    I have a wealth of experience dealing with first home buyers, including through Kainga Ora products, that can help you get your foot on the property ladder.

    Ask as many questions as you like! I will have seen a situation like yours in the past and can help you navigate it with ease.

  • Originally from the UK, I lived in Christchurch for 12 years before coming to Wellington in 2021.

    I have worked in the financial services industry for years, but I still really get a kick out of helping people.

    My happiest “wins” are when clients think that owning a home isn’t possible or many years away - and we make it happen in just a few months! This is a regular occurrence in my office.

    On the weekend you might find me biking up Makara peak, or enjoying Wellington’s culinary scene.

  • In terms of banks I work with

    • Kiwibank

    • TSB

    • ANZ

    • BNZ

    • ASB

    • Westpac

    • SBS

    • Co-operative

    • AIA Go Home Loans

      I also have access to other lenders like

    • Pepper Money

    • Avanti

    • Select

    • First Mortgage Trust

    • General Finance

    • Liberty

    • Basecorp

      …and many more.

      This means that I can compare everything available in the market to get you the best deal on your home loan.

  • Most of the time, the bank pays me an you pay nothing!

    There are terms and conditions with this (see our Fees T’s and C’s here), but in short, you will not pay me a penny unless you have already agreed to it in writing - no surprises.

  • Getting the right advice at key life stages like when preparing to buy a home or after buying a home can be crucial.

    The difference between being in the right fund and the wrong fund over the long term can make a difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars in your Kiwisaver once retirement comes around.

    Much like with lending, with the Kiwisaver providers I work with, there are no extra overall costs to you to get advice on your Kiwisaver if you are with any of the following providers.

    • ANZ

    • Booster

    • Generate

    • Pathfinder

    • Milford

    • Koura Wealth

    • NZ Funds